2024・05・26 (Sun)
10:00-17:45 (Last ENtry 17:00)
Collaboration Complex Building
Hiyoshi Campus, keio university
The PLAY Project of Keio University Graduate School of Media Design will host PLAY EXHIBITION 2024 "PLAY to the Future: Bridges for Understanding" on Sunday, May 26, 2024, at the Collaboration Complex 3F on the Hiyoshi Campus.
This exhibition showcases our recent research and provides an immersive journey into an exciting future characterized by playfulness, innovation, and understanding. Building upon the success of the previous exhibition, the phrase "Bridges for Understanding" conveys a message about the importance of bridging the gap between different perspectives through playful exploration and interaction.
Focused on the transformative power of "play" in building a better future, the exhibition is designed to stimulate imagination and cooperation toward a brighter future through immersive environments, collaborative workshops, and interactive storytelling. Visitors will have the opportunity to experience practical activities and challenges on technology, sustainability, and fostering positive social change through playful exhibits.
"PLAY to the Future: Bridges for Understanding" aims to serve as an exciting platform for envisioning the future and connecting with it through play, fostering a bridge to a more inclusive world.
メディアデザイン研究科のPLAYプロジェクトは、2024年5月26日(日)にPLAY EXHIBITION 2024 「PLAY to the Future: Bridges for Understanding」展を日吉キャンパス協生館3Fで開催します。
この展覧会では、私たちの研究成果を通じて、遊び心、革新性、理解をキーワードにした魅力的な未来の体験に没頭することができます。前回の展覧会の成功を踏まえ、Bridges for Understandingという言葉には遊び心に満ちた探求や交流を通じて、異なる価値観の溝を埋めることの重要性についてのメッセージが込められています。
「PLAY to the Future: Bridges for Understanding」が、皆様が未来を想像し、遊びを通じて未来とつながることを促すエキサイティングな場として、よりインクルーシブな世界への架け橋となることを願っています。